Commodity Import & Upload


In many cases it is advantageous for FreightWise to hold a Client's commodity listing. In some cases the client's ERP cannot support NMFC designations and classes and in other cases when clients ship hazardous materials the ERP does not hold those.


Special Notes:

  • Part Numbers
    Part numbers in the commodity system have to be unique. A part number can be alphanumeric - which means it can be a number or text or a combination of both. White spaces are allowed inside of the part number.
  • Dims
    All dims in the FreightWise system are in inches. Fractions are supported but please keep in mind that most all carriers simply use the ceiling function to move any fraction to the nearest inch.


Import / Upload:

In order to upload you will be using the excel template to enter your commodities and then on the FreightWise system upload/import them. FreightWise can import via excel template the commodities. Link to excel template: Here...



List of NMFC Classes Supported:

50 55 60 65
70 77.5 85 92.5
100 110 125 150
175 200 250 300
400 500    


List of UOM Types supported:

UOM stands for Unit of Measure and is the key for building commodity objects.

Pallet Piece Carton Drum
Bundle Roll Tube Container
Box Cylinder Crate Pair
Case Dozen Each Gallon
Ream Banded Dispenser Kit
Bag Pound Foot Pail
Set Sheet Bottle Package




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