This guide will explain how to import shipments into FreightWise
Before you begin, make sure:
The shipment excel file matches the format of the Shipment Upload Template. For descriptions or examples on importing/uploading, please refer to the Info tab in the Shipment Upload Template.
Special Notes:
- Part Numbers
Part numbers in the commodity system have to be unique. A part number can be alphanumeric - which means it can be a number, text, or a combination of both. White spaces are allowed inside the part number.
- Dims
All dims in the FreightWise system are measured in inches. Fractions are supported but please keep in mind that most carriers simply use the ceiling function to move any fraction to the nearest inch.
Import / Upload:
- Navigate to the Shipments grid.
- Select Upload Shipments from the drop-down menu.
- Press the Select Shipment File (only Excel) button to choose the shipment excel file.
- When the file is ready to upload, press the upload button.
List of UOM Types Supported
UOM stands for Unit of Measure.
Pallet | Piece | Carton | Drum |
Bundle | Roll | Tube | Container |
Box | Cylinder | Crate | Pair |
Case | Dozen | Each | Gallon |
Ream | Banded | Dispenser | Kit |
Bag | Pound | Foot | Pail |
Set | Sheet | Bottle | Package |