Location Upload
Using the Locations Upload functionality a user can now import/upload up to 500 locations using an Excel template. The Template can be found here Location Upload Template.
During the Upload, FreightWise will check for duplicate data and notify the user if the location already exists.
Using the Location Code, users are able to define a unique location code or id
Data Table
Data Element | Required | Sample | Description |
Location Code | Y | loc01 | Unique ID - this is client-defined and must be unique. Often times this is an ID that identifies a location in their ERP, OMS, WMS, etc. |
Name | Y | FreightWise, LLC | |
Street | Y | 214 Centerview Dr. #350 | |
City | Y | Brentwood | |
State | Y | TN | 2 Character State/Province Code |
Postal Code | Y | 37027 | 5 or 6 digit Postal Code |
Country Code | Y | USA | 3 Character Country Code |
Phone | Y | 555-555-5555 | Required for authentication purposes when sending LTL Pickup Requests and required for Parcel. |
Shipping Instructions | N | ||
Open Time - Hour | N | 08 |
Hours of Operation (hoop) Hour Hour the Location Opens The hours and minutes are stored together in the TMS as hh:mm using a 24 hour format |
Open Time - Minute | N | 15 |
Hours of Operation (hoop) Minute Minute the Location Opens The hours and minutes are stored together in the TMS as hh:mm using a 24 hour format |
Close Time - Hour | N | 17 |
Hours of Operation (hoop) Hour Hour the Location Closes The hours and minutes are stored together in the TMS as hh:mm using a 24 hour format |
Close Time - Minute | N | 30 |
Hours of Operation (hoop) Minute Minute the Location Closes The hours and minutes are stored together in the TMS as hh:mm using a 24 hour format |
Time Zone | N | CT |
Valid Time Zones: ET CT MT PT
Upload Functionality
To Upload the Locations, users should go to the Company Management page then select Locations.
Once in the Location panel select the Gear Icon.
Choose to 'Upload Company Locations"
Select the Blue Link 'Select Locations File (only Excel)' and navigate to the file for uploading
Once the file is selected then click the green Upload
Successful Imports
Once Uploading is complete the user will receive a Green Toaster that shows successful and the number of locations uploaded.
Unsuccessful Imports
If there are any errors encountered during import whether it is duplicates, bad data, missing data, or other the entire upload process will stop and the uploading file will fail.
Users will see a Red Toaster with the number of errors found.
In order to view the errors associated with the failed upload a user will need to navigate to Company Management > Files > Locations > Uploads > YYYY > Month
All files uploaded during that month will be there along with .log files if there are any errors. The user can download and open the .log file in a text editor to view the errors.
Locations Files
Log File